The Nativity from the Perspective of a Mother and Farm Wife. (revised)

Having lived on a farm most of my life, and LOVING God’s Word, I like to think that Emmanuel, the Lord Jesus was born as follows:

A census was ordered by Caesar Augustus. Joseph was required to register in the town of Bethlehem, city of David, along with Mary, who he was pedged to be married to. Poor timing for Mary, who was carrying the “Son of the Morst High”, Jesus. They packed what Joseph’s donkey could carry, leaving enough room for Mary. Heavy with child. The journey was a bit treacherous for the young teen, but Joseph did his best to shield and comfort her. As Mary squirmed and winced in pain, Joseph came to realize this was more than the discomfort of a long trip. His search for shelter became more desperate, for the weight of it all was on his strong shoulders.

The inns were all filled, there was no room for the baby to be born. (Makes me think on those who do not make room for Jesus in their hearts and lives.) A stable was offered to them. Now, as most often is told of the Christ Child’s birth, one would balk at the thought of having a baby in a stable, a barn with so called, stinky animals. I say that God is very intentional. His Master Plan was in process of being fulfilled as told in Isaiah The stable hand welcomed the couple, giving then the space he himself bedded down in, his living quarters so to speak. He took great pride and responsibility for the animals entrusted into his care. His stable was clean and mucked constantly. The animals were well-tended and comforted.

As Mary labored, Joseph feeling helpless, looked for places in the stable to busy himself and apply his carpentry skills. Mary took solace in having their trusted donkey close by as well. When it became evident that the birth was nigh, the stable hand, who himself had assisted in the birth of many animals, called for his wife to assist, for she too was an expert of sorts in such matters. The sound of Mary”s final push was masked by the forlorn, sad bellow from a cow, whose calf had been taken away, a sign of what was later to happen to Mary’s Son. Mary bore a Son, who would be the King of the Jews, and bear the sins of the world. Prophecy was coming to fruition, even as the baby was placed in the manager. ( Manger, a box or trough for animals to eat from. Animals to be fed and get nurishment. Jesus declared in John 6:35, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whover believes in me will never be thisty”)

Now many have felt sorry for the Mother and Baby, whose very shelter and beinnings are perceived as such a dire, poor, inadiquate, humble atmosphere. But I beg to differ. Unlike a room in an inn, which would have likely been dark, cold, smokey and hidden, the stable was a place of Light, the Glory of the Lord that shone around the shephards, and the Light of the star that guided the magi.

A stable is a place of activity. Jesus made Himself available and accessible, from the moment of His birth. The sheperds, as summoned by Angels, came right into the stable, carrying a few little lambs that could not be left along in the field. They were set down near the baby, giving warmth and comfort. Oxen, chewing their cud, gave a sense of well-being. Content, well cared for animals, make soft, almost melodious tones. Their was the occassional baa and bleat of sheep, which became a sort of lullaby for the infant. Contrary to most thinking, amimals that are clean, have a rather pleasant odor. Any excrement would have been removed quickly. Add to this, the rustling sound of the straw and fodder, and the sweet smell of hay that lined the manger, making it a much softer bed than that of a thin straw mattress an inn would have provided.

I loved going to our barn in the cold of the year. Sometimes the breathing vapors of our cows would add a mystical and magical touch, and maybe some privacy for Mary. I like to think that was true for the Baby Jesus as well. I loved to see the cats and dogs curled up on piles of hay. Activity in a barn/stable is a place filled with life! The GIver of Life was born in a placed filled with life, stimulation, activity and love. From the start, the Lord Jesus was exposted to the sights and sounds of His creation. Humble, yes, but not poor. I say His birth was greeted by all the richness of what His Heavenly Father could give. Love, protection, community, awe, worship, sight, sounds and smells…LIFE!

So you see my firends, I love the thought of my Savior being born in a stable. HIs Father had not abandoned HIm to such a place, but chose and orchestrated it. It was the perfect setting for the future King of Kings to begin His earthly life. After all, where else would the Lamb of God be born?

Thus my perspective…

Merry Christmas dear friends. May your Christmas be filled with the Life of Jesus. God Bless.

A road, a bird, a Voice

a bird

The following are my posts on FB. These were 4 weeks of my walking down our gravel road, seeing this special bird. ( I call it my Burg Road, because of the times I spend praying for our Pastor.)

7/11. “I write this is awe and tears. I have had a difficult two weeks, yet in the midst, my Lord is blessing me, teaching me to “Be still and know that I am God” I start out at 6:45 to walk and pray, but am turned back by a ferocious attack of mosquitoes. 30 minutes later, the Holy Spirit says, go! And I do, trusting Him, and fighting off the ban of attackers. Then I smell the scent of a skunk and fight off fear. It is so quiet.’I look up at the wire to see if my bird friend is back. Nope. So Lord, why have you sent me? Then as I turn to go back, knowing that most of my walk will be in the shade of the tree line, thus mosquitoes, I hear! Looking up, is my faithful friend, two weeks now sitting in the same place, chirping and singing and encouraging my heart and soul, encouraging me to go on. For a good long time we visit. This sounds silly, a grown woman talking to a wild bird, but I know this is God sent! I praise and thank Him. I just can’t get my legs to walk back, as I cherish these moments. (Ha, I like to think this bird is singing to God in a Spirit language, tongues.) Our time feels holy, ordained and I am filled with hope, love and joy!

I walk back in thanksgiving and awe and NO mosquitoes! There is a new, refreshing, Holy Spirit wind blowing on me. What? It is as if the aura of joy has become a repellent. Yes, that’s it! Sometimes we need to go through the hard, the obstacles and barriers to get to the prize, the splashing, the joy. Lesson learned. Time spent with God is always good! I will not let anything keep me from my walk with my Lord.”

7/13 “This morning I choose to battle mosquitoes over the coming heat and humidity, walking early. I grab my full cup of coffee and head down the gravel road, but quickly turn to go back, after all, one cannot outrun mosquitoes with a full cop of coffee. ( I had ignored the Holy Spirit’s nudge to grab my ipad, something I regretted later.) But my Lord tells me to keep going down the road, saying “Just wait until you see what I have for you.” 3/4 of the way down, I see a doe and fawn cross the road. YES! I thought this was it. I get to the end and there is my bird, waiting for me in its usual spot. It is particularly talkative today, and since I feel it is rude to leave, I finish my coffee and we visit. It is quiet, the neighbors are gone, its Saturday, no traffic , and there is no longer the distant sound of a milk pump, for the cows have been sold. THEN I see! In the pasture in front of me are two fawns. They are joyfully running, jumping, playing games with each other. Their tails wave in the air as they quickly cover the area of the pasture. One of them comes close enough to the fence for me to almost count its spots. I am filled with a joy I cannot describe! Then they head off to the corner, and I follow them,solving the mystery as to how they are able to get in and out of the fence.

“Just wait until you see what I have for You.” Oh yes! How often do we miss a blessing because we do not obey, and do not wait on Him? What a beautiful SPLASH I was given this morning!”

7/15 “Sunday morning I walk and it is extremely quiet. Not even mosquitoes! Nothing, but the rustling of growing corn is heard. My bird is not up in its usual spot. I cry out to God and ask Him. He comes back with, “Just call out my name”. I did just that, calling His Name and calling my bird friend. Immediately the bird comes flying to the wire! Whew! Yes,we just call out to Him and He answers, He comes.

Today I’m 3/4 of the way down and already I hear my bird singing! No chatting today, just singing. It’s like God saying to me, “Good morning, I’ve been waiting to spend the day with you. Lets sing together”.

I find myself walking back singing the following song.
“Why should I feel discouraged, why should the shadows come, Why should my heard be lonely, And long for heaven and home, When Jesus is my portion My constant Friend is He, Oh, oh-oh His eye is on the sparrow, And I know He watches me. I sing because I’m happy, I sing because I’m free for His eye is one the sparrow and I know He watches me. Let not your heart be troubled His tender words I hear, And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears, Though by the path, He leadeth me. Whenever I am temped, Whenever clouds arise, When songs give place to sighing, When hope within me dies I draw closer to Him from care He sets me free, His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.”

My Lord gave me the visual for this song! Wow! just Wow! I pray this might be an encouragement to anyone who needs one today.”

7/29 ” I went out to check on the heat and mail yesterday. Sure enough, my Lord said go! But Lord, it is really hot and humid. Even the mosquitoes are not out! He didn’t change His mind, so I walk. My bird is waiting, on the wire, in the heat! My Lord says, “I will sustain you.” and He did! Usually humidity and my asthma send me inside. On my walk back, I see my husband coming towards me. He is worried. My Mom is here for a few days due to the heat. She couldn’t find me, and sent him out to search. Wow, it is always wonderful to be cared for by one’s Mom, even if she is 88, and I am watching over her. When I turn on my computer, up pops the song, “In Christ alone”. He’s got it!

The next day I walk at 6:30. It is much cooler! My bird has moved up. It sings and sings and hops from section of wire to the next, following with song. I am refreshed! Praising and worshiping does that. The corn is preparing to tassel. The clouds thunder, readying themselves to dump an abundance of rain. I take in these walks and feel abundantly blessed! God is so good!”

7/23 “I’m meditating on why or what keeps my bird coming back to its post on the wire at the end of my Burg Road. After all, its free to fly away to wherever it wants or needs to. My Lord drops in, “assigned/assignment”. My heart skips a beat because I too have an assignment on the road I walk and pray on (Praying for requests, yes, but my personal assignment is to pray for Pastors, specifically ParkSide’s Pastors.)

Mark 13:34, 1 Corinthians 3:5-6, and 7:17, speak of tasks and assignments given.

We all have our duties, our sphere of influence, our calling, our responsibilities, our bent, talents, and gifting. Some seemingly simple, some heavy or widepread. All equally important. I believe our assignments are God-given God-directed and consiquently, God-changing.

This faithful little bird, for this “such a time as this”, has been assigned to remind me of God’s loving Grace, and to encourage my heart. Period. And it has been beyond effective! One little bird, sitting on a wire, teaching my heart to keep on keeping on.

If I can encourage one of you reading this, I have accomplished my assignment today. My precious friends, your assignments, however big or small in your eyes, may be life-lifting in another’s.”

7/25 “Two days here. I call out for Faithful. (Yes I have named him. ) In the quiet I wait. Then he comes, into the glare of the rising sun, for I have walked early. I can’t fully identify him within the glare, and I don’t want to mistaken him simply because of my need. Then he begins go chirp and sing, and I KNOW it is him by his voice! My Lord says, “Know My Voice”. Discern from emotion from copies, from fake, from imitation. KNOW His Voice through reading His Word, through Prayer, His Presence, His Love, His Holiness, Power, Mercy and Grace, His Character. I KNOW and recognize the Holy Spirit’s Voice, a Voice I love, obey and worship and follow and have fellowship with. A Voice that encourages and comforts, a Voice whose song is love!

Today I walked early, and called for Faithful. 3 birds came out form the pasture, but only Faithful sang to me. He even pushed one bird away. They had no interest in me, but Faithful did! Just wow! I walked back filled with awe, being reminded of my Faithful, Loving God and His gifts along my way. Friends, KNOW, discern, trust in Him and His Voice. He is Faithful!”

7/28 “The last two days my bird, Faithful has not joined me. It is as quiet as ever on my Burg Road, aside from the distant sound of a Morning Dove. This saddens me, and I let my Lord know. Then he says to me, “I will never leave you, nor forsake you, I am with you always”. Deuteronomy 31:8 “The Lord Himself goes before you and will always be with you, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged.” Interesting, as I walk back, I can hear, as if amplified, and as never before, each step I am taking on the gravel road. He wants me to be aware, drive home to me, His intent! I am not alone. He is with me! I re-read my blog on Hearts Hear Whispers”. Yes, He will never leave me, He whispers to my hear, Hearts Hear Whispers…”

Aug 8 “I am missing my bird, Faithful . My husband reminds me that Faithful has served God’s purpose. ” And so life goes on.

I know this blog has been long, but I am trusting it has served God’s purpose.

My bird never did come back, and I miss him, but cherish the time and lessons he gave.

Detail comes in the waiting

Some time ago,  I walked down my gravel road, wrapped in my longer jacket, sent by my Lord, on a rather dreary morning. He said, “go” so I did. At the end of the T,  I could see a figure on a bike. As I walked closer, I could see that it was a male. I had a moment of fear,  a fleeting thought, thinking on how quiet it was, no cars, no folks…I could be killed and no one would know, however,  I was walking in obedience, safely under His care and protection. “Lord, what do you have for me to learn?” I kept my head down, eyes diverted, not looking ahead at the person invading my space. I planned on what I would say when I got to his spot. I could now smell the scent of a cigarette, answering my question as to why he had stopped in this place. It seemed odd, to be out biking and smoking, counter  productive from my point of view. It was now that the Holy Spirit clearly said, “Detail comes in the waiting”. Because I kept walking and was anxious to turn back, I did not stop and seek His intent. I get to my turnaround, force a smile, nod my head and say “good morning”. Interesting the detail I saw in that brief encounter! ( Thanking Jesus now, for I have been concerned over my memory of late.) I can describe his bike, the empty metal basket on it, how the man was dressed, his facial hair, and his very low growling voice! He said something about being dropped off and going to Shakopee. I moved on, and so did he. I still wondered about the lesson my Lord wanted me to understand with what He had said. What I did know, was to pray for this man, and have since then. 

 Time passed. I pondered this statement form the Holy Spirit, “Detail comes in the waiting.” Knowing it is about patience and waiting on Him, I looked up these verses.  PS. 27:13-14 “I remain confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living. Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD”. 37:7 “Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him:…” Micah 7:7  “But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.”  2 Peter 3:9  “The Lord is not slow in keeping his promises, as some understand slowness. Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance.”  Great Scriptures! Good reminders for me, who tends to be impatient, and who has had to learn patience because of my husband’s Parkinson’s…but Lord, You said “detail comes in the waiting”, I am waiting…

On the following Sunday, something in the sermon gave understanding to me. And then, while we prayed, with heads bowed before communion, I looked down and saw detail in the carpet!!! I had never really looked into the carpet, but only saw it as a whole. Now I saw colors, textures… Since then, I continue to “get this”!  (I am reminded of the times I have stood and waited for someone, thus seeing things around me that I had not seen before.) 
On this new day, I walk with a bit of sadness. It is November and chilly, with the cold of winter chasing after the warmth of summer. I lament over missing my prayer walks, as asthma will  keep me from walking in the cold. There is no color! Just the drab of November, before snow comes to blanket my land. I know He is going to show or tell me something more today, so I walk with expectation. No cattle in the pasture, no cars, no singing birds, just so quiet. I stand and look to the East, and watch the sunrise. The sky has layers of deep blue and steel gray, very pretty. The sun peeks between the clouds. I wait and slowly walk back. THEN to my right, a bush that has no color has now come alive! It has rained, and tiny droplets that I did not see without the sun, are sparkling and dancing.  Bright sparkles adorn a sleeping bush, like tons of tiny lights at Christmas, yet, this was much brighter with multitudes of twinkles, the whole bush seemed alive and illuminated! Then I look at the road bank, and I see color where I had not seen on my walk down. The rising sun is bringing a drab landscape to life!!!! Exposing detail!  I see the green Evergreens against  brown backdrops. I look up and see the tops of trees that had lost their leaves, but now I see remaining  brown leaves,  waving with color and light, crowning the tree tops and the skyline.  I see all kinds of browns and beige’s. November has a beauty of its own!  I am not a fan of the color brown, but this morning, I see so many wonderful shades of brown, even within the dead, fallen leaves. I am at awe in this beautiful moment!  I had to WAIT, stand still, WAIT for the sun to come and light up the land. I had to WAIT for the  sun to reveal the DETAIL!  Detail, I never ever would have seen without the sun. Without the SON! Without my Lord, telling me to stop and listen and see the detail.  I slowly walk and look for more detail, knowing His timing is perfect…just wait until…  In our yard, I SEE squirrels, and birds, and nests, detailed in the trees. I look up into the trees, without the fullness of leaves and see the detail of the branch formations and am mesmerized! Detail I would have missed had I not waited and looked. His Presence is all over me, and I am so humbled!
How often do we miss things because we do not stop and wait, listen, and take in our surroundings?  In our haste, things pass us by, or we pass things by, missing detail, hidden treasures and the beauty of the small and seemingly mundane. We want to  see the whole picture, we see what we want the end to be, we see our calling, but we often miss the detail in the journey, in the waiting on Him and His teachings. He meets us in our waiting, revealing Himself. Wait for Him patiently, be still before Him, wait on Him. He will reveal the details!!!  So much more I could write here, but it is understood. I am glad I waited to finish this story, waited for Him to reveal the rest of the story to me. I will now look and wait for detail, not wanting to miss a single beautiful thing! 

Gazing and Grazing

I wake up a bit…don’t have a word to describe how I am feeling. Maybe at loose ends because 2 of my kids and families are gone for a week , and I am praying fervently for my friend who is having surgery. My Lord tugs at my heart, it hurts and I don’t know exactly why. He sends me down the gravel road. It is windy once I get beyond our grove of trees, making me glad that I have grabbed a coat. On the right side of the road, the corn that has been harvested, has now been chisel plowed, leaving short stocks standing in lines, like stick people in the midst of black. The leaves are swaying and reluctantly letting go of the trees they garnished, opening up my view into the thick woods. I walk and pray and listen. Then ahead of me, I see the dairy cows are let out to pasture and my heart over-flows!  Gazing at them, I’m seeing detail. I often do this on my walks, stopping and gazing into the horizon, the fields, nature, that which my Creator had set before my senses. I think on these things, think on Him. The dictionary states, “Gaze. To look steadily and intently with and fixed attention.” I am reminded of the Scripture,  Psalm 27:4 (HCSB) ” I have asked one thing from the Lord, it is what I desire: to dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life GAZING on the beauty of the Lord and seeking [Him] in the temple.”  Gazing at the cattle also reminds me of John 1:36 (NET) “GAZING at Jesus as he walked by he said, “Look, the Lamb of God”.

Two cows butt heads in a sort of play. I see the straps on the necks of the cows reminding me of the placement of cows being milked. Their emptied utters flop from side to side as they move. My mind brings up memories of my grandparents cows, then my uncle’s barn and him teaching me to dance in the aisle between the cows while milking. I recall my dad’s cows and me helping, and then I shift over to our farm. Lord, this is not helping!  My heart hurts more!

The Holy Spirit now drops in the word, “graze”. Yes, these cows are grazing on grass in the pasture. He says, “Graze in My Word, graze on Me.”  GRAZE! Graze, eating what He provides. Graze in peace, contentment,  and under His protection. Graze is a constant eating…a feeding in/on Him. He is the good Shepherd, He tends and cares. Note: “Graze. v. 4. To put ((livestock) out to feed. 5. To tend (feeding livestock) in a pasture.” Maybe what moves within me, is that I am struggling with being “put out to pasture”. As I age and take care of my husband, I am struggling with feelings of being left behind, useless…

He tells me to trust in Him. He will continue to feed us, tend to our needs, giving us peace, as long as we re GRAZING daily and continually on Him and His Word. Everything these cattle need is in this pasture.  A water trough is provided. Grazing on the grass nourishes and the fence protects. Peace settles upon me. He is my Shepherd, I know His Voice and trust His Voice and heed His Voice and His Word. Jumping fences is behind me, ha! I will be content in the pasture of His placing, trusting in Him. This pasture is pretty good, and we like our retirement. I need to GRAZE, choosing to eat and be nourished by all that He gives and IS!

Oh, just a thought on being “put out to pasture”. The cattle in this pasture give me great joy! Who is to say that my Hunk and I have lost our value and our purpose? That we are not giving joy to others just through our BEING,  by grazing and gazing on Him, on what and where the Lord has placed us. If someone would take joy in us, just like the joy these cattle bring me, then we have purpose. Being “put out to pasture” to graze is not our end-all. I believe my Father is taking joy in my gazing upon Him and in my grazing!  As my fiend Wendy says, “You bring joy and stability and wisdom just by being yourself, as we move from doing to being. This is the great revelation, that all along, it was who we are and not what we do, that is the treasure.” Whew!

Born for Slaughter






I took my usual walk down our gravel township road, praying, listening, taking in the beauty of my Lord’s creation. When I get to the T,  where the gravel meets the paved county road,  I stop and look ahead into the pasture of our neighboring farmer. Instead of the dairy cows in this pasture, I notice there are beef cattle of various colors and breeds. Note taken; different breeds sharing one pasture, getting along, grazing in peace and tranquility. Oh, that we might follow this example.

I stand and just look, breathing in the moment, waiting for another lesson. Soon I am spotted. The cows turn and come to the fence, not because they are tame or want attention, but because cows, by nature, are curious. They come to check me out!  I watch calves suckling, and notice a mom cow is licking her babies’s head. The moment is surreal, almost sacred, as we stand almost face to face.  Then this comes to my mind,  these cattle are raised for slaughter!!!  Beef cattle are bred and born for slaughter. But they don’t know it, and in the mean time, their lives are pretty good. Their slaughter is quick, might I say painless? My “cows”  which give me such great joy,  will  someday become someone’s burger, steak, savored meal.  I feel a bit of an ouch!

I lived on a farm most of my life, it is the way it is and goes…

Then the Holy Spirit drops in, “I was born for slaughter”.  My heart drops! Yes, Jesus was the only human born for slaughter. ( American Heritage Dictionary states; “slaughter.  n. The killing of animals, especially for food. v. 1 b. TO KILL IN A VIOLENT OR BRUTAL MANNER.”)  Whoa, that describes the death of Jesus!  Isaiah 53:7 says, “He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; HE WAS LED LIKE A LAMB TO THE SLAUGHTER, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.”   And, like cattle becomes food for us, Jesus becomes our Spiritual food as stated in John 6: 32-59. Verse 35: “Jesus declared, I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty”. Yet, unlike the cattle, who had no idea of their pending death,  Jesus knew he was going to suffer and die! Jesus, in Gethsemane , (Mark 14)  cried out to His Father , v. 36, “Abba, Father, everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will.”

I stood there contemplating, thinking of His “slaughter”, and all that He endured in the process. I felt immobile, sad beyond words, yet grateful. Then the Spirit of God impressed upon my being to not linger in the moment, to move ahead and live in joy.  He gave His life in order for us to have an abundant life. John 10:10 tells us that He came that we might “have life, and have it to the full.”.  I walked home with an awareness of His Presence. He wants me to live in the joy and freedom His “slaughter” has bought me. Not a day goes by that I do not thank Him for this gift of Life, given through His death and “slaughter”.  Since that day, I look at cattle in a different light, as I am reminded of the words, “born for slaughter”. Lord, thank you for Your grace and mercy. I will live my life for Your Glory. Because You were slaughtered, I LIVE!

An Ornament of Value

I met with the young woman to pray, mentor, just visit and enjoy the company of each other. In the process, she quickly became a “stretch mark” on my heart. I wanted to give her a small token of my love in the form of a Christmas gift. It is my practice in such instances to give a gift of heart value, something that will cost my heart, something I have prized and used. I looked around my house and found nothing suitable, so I prayed and asked the Spirit. He immediately  flashed  my box of old ornaments before me. These were ornaments from years gone by, ornaments that no longer fit into my Christmas scheme, thus were left packed in the Christmas storage box . We  had decorated our second tree with the contents of this priceless box of Christmas treasures,  but no longer had the energy to set it up.  I lovingly moved my way through these ornaments, reflecting on each one.  Some were homemade from my kids when they were young. Some were from my grandmother…all were precious. There was a set of Keepsake Ornaments, which I would add to each year. This is where He was pointing me to. There it was! The ornament He chose for me to give to my friend. It was without its box, but I googled and found it! Saw the price it still carried.

It was in this moment when my VALUE  to God and the value of Christmas giving seeped into the depth of my soul. I held this ornament, looking at it tenderly. It was as if it held a secret place, like in the book, “The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe”. I was drawn into the sounds and sights of Christmas pasts as it reflected me and my family. I saw my face, my life reflected back at me, a face no longer young with wonder, but a face of peace and acceptance, yet still holding the awe of Christmas.

My ornament had  some monetary value, but more so, heart value.  Value is determined by quality and quantity. (This ornament was numbered, the quantity had been regulated.) Value is increased with the memories something carries. An item is worth only what someone is willing to pay. My keepsakes were priceless–to me! To give one away would be a cost to my heart, but it was time, and my Lord had shown me the way…

You see, I never saw much value in myself or in what I have done. Yet my Lord placed VALUE on me! So much value, that He chose to come down to earth in human form, grow up doing what most boys in His era did, while growing into His role of Savior, Shepherd, Teacher… The wise men had brought gifts of value to the newborn King, as did the shepherds, who brought what they had, from who they were, gifts from their hearts, be it obedience, wonder, worship, or even gold.  In the end, Jesus fulfilled prophecy, fulfilled His destiny,  and died for me, willingly paying the highest price for all of us, that we would have access to His Father and our Heavenly Home. My Heavenly Father VALUED my life as to send His Beloved Son to make the way to Himself. This Gift cost! This Gift is priceless. This Gift was timely.  This Gift was wrapped up in swaddling clothes and set in a manger, to be given to all mankind. If  God placed such VALUE on me, the cost of life to His Son, it was time I accept the value of my life to Him, to others, to myself.  Each of us is unique, one of a kind, and  made in His image, priceless to Him!

The VALUE of Christmas gifts comes in the sacrifice, the time,  the love of heart that is within each gesture and the joy that is produced in the accepting.  Most often the cost/price is known only to the giver, that cost is not calculated, but given in grace and unconditional love.

Wow, I just looked up “ornament”. 2. “A person considered as a source of pride, honor, or credit.” Tears! Lord, may I be such an ornament onto You!

May my dear friend accept my gift as it is and stands for. May she remember our times together as she reflects back in years to come, that SHE was the gift,  held the VALUE,  the ornament in my life…

Each of you are His VALUED ornaments, reflecting  back to Him, giving Him the Glory only He deserves…

When we look upon our  decorated Christmas trees, all adorned in our prized, VALUED ornaments and lights,  may we be reminded that we are His VALUED ornaments! May others see Him in us, as we reflect Jesus onto others.

Merry Christmas, my VALUED friends! God Bless.

People come wrapped in different packages

I am going through some papers from years ago. Home school assignments, a love letter to my boyfriend–now husband, newspaper clippings, a poem I wrote, and then I discover the  following article. It is typed, dated 1983, says “Immaculata”, which I have no clue of,  and can give no other credit. This is the first time I am sharing what someone else has written, still wondering if I wrote it, for it is written  in my style and it’s how I think.   When I get to the paragraph that says,  “There I am a gift”, I stop and weep, and know I have not been a part of this writing, because back then, I would not have acknowledged myself as a gift to anyone. I might have saved this in hopes of someday seeing myself as a gift at all.


” People are gifts from the Father. They come wrapped in so many different ways. Some are wrapped beautifully and attractively.  They catch our eye the instant they arrive on the scene.

Once in a while some arrive “special delivery”.  This kind we grasp to our bosom and enter into a deep relationship with.

Some gifts arrive the “worse for wear” because of mishandling. We have to tear away the wrappings to find the gem inside. This my not be a desirable task but if we persevere, we will often find that the wrappings were misleading.

Some gifts are wrapped loosely and easily opened. These are the kinds that enter easily and quickly into our lives, and who allow us to enter their lives.

Other gits are wrapped so tightly they can hardly be opened. Then shun exposure. Perhaps they have been opened before and were discarded. The attempt to remove the wrapping is a threat, and they cling to their covering tenaciously.

It’s worth the try to “open” them.

They hurt and need help. They have to be handled gently, kindly. It takes a lot of love, understanding and patience. Even then we may not succeed in freeing them. But it is worth the try. In the end, we may have to admit that the gift was not for me to open.

It is important to distinguish that the wrapping is not the gift. We have to take the time to look inside carefully, lovingly.

But I am a person, too. There I am a gift–a gift from the Father to myself and for myself and also for others. Have I truly looked inside my wrappings? Could it be that there is more in the wrapping that I suspect? Do I really see the wonderful gift that I am? God’s gift cannot be anything except wonderful. That I have to appreciate. I love the gifts that others give me. Why not love the gift the Father has given me–myself.

Do I reach out and touch others?

I am also a gift to others. Do I show only my wrappings and never permit others to enjoy the gift within?  Is my wrapping such as to repel others, or do I encourage them to peel off layer by layer and run the risk of vulnerability?  Am I willing to reach out and touch others?

Life is meant to be an exchange of gifts, from the Father to you and me, and from us to each other–gifts given and gifts received.”


What burns deep within my being, because I am an encourager,  is my mission statement. “Speak Life into others”.  ( As a Christian, that Life is Jesus.)  Speaking into others comes easy for me, it is my heart-beat. What I have struggled with is feeling unworthy,  unable to freely receive from others, and not liking my own wrapping.   Well friends, I am going to receive the gift of myself, just as I am… because I am wrapped in the love of my Father.  (I am imagining the spectacular  wrapping our Father uses…) I am so glad this was saved!  I pray for you as well, SEE the gift that you are…to your Heavenly Father, to yourselves, to others, and to  ME!  God Bless!




















Thoughts and Stories from a Farm wife…Pets, Fudge and Joy

Living on a dairy farm, one learns quickly where to invest one’s love for animals. Cows are raised for the purpose of milk, then….slaughtered. I have regretted getting attached to a few certain pigs and chickens… you get where I am going with this. Farm cats serve the special purpose of keeping down the rodent population, they are loved, given their shots, but trips to the vet are rare. We were taught the facts of life, the circle of life, the order of life on the farm. We learned to guard our hearts, to love and hold loosely. To name an animal meant the possibility of another broken heart.  (I have many stories of farm animals where I broke this unspoken rule, maybe I will write about them another day.) However, the  family dogs were FAMILY!  Here is a story of one family member:

This pup was a mixed breed, with a combination of fudge-like colors amidst  fairly long hair, thus our oldest daughter came up with the name of Fudge. (Yikes, just seeing her in my mind’s eye is bringing tears to my eyes as I write.) Fudge readily  became a playmate to our two youngest daughters. She quickly took on the unspoken duties of a farm and family dog, including herding cows, protector of our children,  “warn-er”  (alerting us of anything that was out-of-order or off kilter). She was the family  greeter,  our companion, lover, comforter, and explorer, to name a few.  She was loyal beyond measure, dependable, and showed us unconditional love from the prospective of her dog heart. She acted as if she was chosen to help raise my kids, to show love, trust and accept life as it is. When my children were out of my sight and voice,  gone exploring, all I needed to do was call out”Fudge”, listen for her responsive bark,  and know all was well. She was a companion and comforter  to my father-in-law, especially after he lost his wife of 50 years.  Fudge was loved,  appreciated and  will never be forgotten.

When Fudge showed signs of an illness, our vet diagnosed leukemia. We were told what signs to look for which would indicate pain and steal her joy. So the day she hid away from us, we knew it was time to let her go. Our county vet kindly and quickly administered the deadly dose, while she was being comforted under her favorite tree, no going back.  No words now…      But the story does not end here.

In the mean time, we had purchased a little Rat Terrier, for the purpose of, well, killing rats that nested in our manure pit. One day I heard a scream from one of our children. Gideon (yes, named for his killing instincts) had captured a Morning Dove. We rescued the sweet bird, put it in a box to heal, and left her  in the capable hands of our daughter, while we, with heavy hearts,  drove away on vacation. When we got home, the box was empty. Joy had recovered and had been released back into the wild.  (Yes, I named her Joyce, Joy for short,  after Joyce Meyers, not  really knowing  if she was a female.) But she did not leave us! She settled near, not only eating from our bird feeder, but from my hands. Her gentle coo, her choice to stay near, her beauty, became a healing balm to me, to us, as we mourned the absence of our beloved Fudge. If felt as if God had sent  Joy, almost like an angel, a bringer of comfort and peace to settle my aching soul, filling a void that needed filling.  Her timing, her sweet spirit, her gentle, calming “coo”, seemed to carry the voice of God to me, letting me know He understood and He cared.  One fall day, she did not come to greet us. We held our breath and prayed that she would be safe as she migrated South. Yes, to our relief, she was back the next spring! I grew to love her. The following spring did not bring her back to us. By then, we were on our way to healing.

Often my Creator speaks to me through His creation. I think sometimes of the fellowship Adam and Eve must have had with the animals in the Garden of Eden, given to them, and to us, for our good pleasure.   I am convinced that Almighty God uses His created and creation to reveal His Presence and love to us. I sure felt  His love within the pets we have been privileged to own. I wonder if all animals, domesticated or wild,  have the same  capability to bond, connect to our souls in a way…   I think the issue is  love, do they  love us because we first love them?  1 John says” We love because He first loved us.”.  I think this is how it goes…  I stand in awe of Him, within nature and  His order of things,  with His Beloveds, in the Presence and love of Jesus, and in the midst, I am grateful and I  continue to ponder…